
​Art Perspective into Central Asia's Post-Socialist Era

​​photography, video installation,digital MULTIMEDIA


​​Almagul Menlibayeva




Almagul Menlibayeva. Catalog1995, 31 pages, Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan, designer Lidya Blinova;

Bart De Baere. "After All: Whatever the Future Will Be, It Is Made Now," p. 132;
Cath Pound. ARTSY
7 Boundary-Pushing Artists Challenging Stereotypes of Women from the Middle East and Beyond, LACMA Museum, LA, USA;
Essay by Huang, Belara.
FIELD Issue 23: a Journal of Socially-Engaged Art Criticism, 2023
Approximating Reality as Decolonial Practice: Almagul Menlibayeva’s AI Realism. Qantar 2022;
Dekker, Elizabeth, and Schweiger, Robbie. "A Conversation Beginning in the Middle: Conversation on Post-Soviet." Pages 56-66. JAP SAM BOOKS;
Kerstin. Holm
Manga-Masken im Krieg. POLITISCHE KUNST IN KASACHSTAN, ALMATY, The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung- German daily newspaper;
Catalog Sharjah Biennale 15: Thinking Historically in the Present;


Livia Monnet
Toxic Emmanence. Nuclear Aesthetics: Contemporary Art, Nuclear Colonialism, and the Transformation of Life and the Environment. Chapter: The Immanation-Image: Immanent Experience and Kazakhstan’s Socialist and Postsocialist Modernity in Almagul Menlibayeva’s Video Installation Transformation (2016). 2022, edited by Livia Monnet. © McGill-Queen’s University Press 2022;

Antology Editors Maria Photiou, Marsha Meskimmon, Aliya de Tiesenhausen
Art, Borders and Belonging. On Home and Migration. Bloomsbury Publishing.


Jones John, STIRworld -architecture, design and art magazine online
Almagul Menlibayeva examines shared histories, global futures at Lahore Biennale
Ali Nobil Ahmad, research fellow at the Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
To Infinity and Beyong
Catalogue Lahore Biennale 2020

​Berlin Food Art Week 2019 Focuses on Water Cycles and Resources, Berlin Art Week, The insider`s guide to contemporary art and culture, 29 July, 2019;
Kazakhstan's first international exhibition reveals a craving for culture in Nur-Sultan, The Art News Paper, by Anna Sansom,15th July 2019;
​Central Asian Imageries, Dorian Batycka, review, CANVAS
magazine, P. 70-73, May 2019; 
Алмагуль Менлибаева: "Тоталитаризм это наш культурный код"/Almagul Menlibayeva: " Totalitarism is our Cultural Code",Interview Harper’s BAZAAR,
Kazakhstan.Art&Books/Culture, 4th May 2019;

 Jyoti Kalsi.
Mapping cultural transformations in Central Asia, ​Works by Almagul Menlibayeva focus on post-Soviet social issues in Kazakhstan, by Jyoti Kalsi, Gulf News,
1st June , 2019;

Opération séduction au Kazakhstan, Béatrice Picon-Vallin, Le Monde Diplomatique, P 27, December 2018;

Bread&Roses, Four Generations of Kazakh Women Artists, Mometum Worldwide and Focus Kazakhstan, Catalog Exhibition P. 134-143 Berlin;
The feminist exhibition celebrating four generations of Kazakh art activism​, SLEEK Magazine, 27 September, 2018;
Post-Nomadic Mind, Focus Kazakhstan, Indira Dyussebayeva-Ziyabek and Aliya de Tiesenhausen, Catalog Exhibition P. 46-47, 126-131;
FOCUS KAZAHSTAN: BREAD AND ROSES, ArtAsiaPacific Magazin, September, 2018; 


Ulrike Gerhardt
After the Aral Sea: Almagul Menlibayeva’s Diasporic Dreamscapes (EN) / Nach dem Aralsee: Almagul Menlibayevas diasporische Traumlandschaften (DE)

Daegu Photo Biennale 2016. Catalog Encounter Net Photo Festival. Daegu Photo Biennale
Organizing Committee. Volume 401. P. 185;
Aliya Abykayeva-Tiesenhausen. Central Asia in Art from Soviet Orientalism to the new Republics,
I.B. Tauris & Co. LTD London New York, ISBN-978-1-784533526, P. 254-255;
HERO MOTHER, Contemporary Art  by Post-Communist  women, Rethinking Geroism,
Bojana Pejic and Rachel Rits-Volloch, Catalog, MomentumgUG, ISBN-978-3-9817801-1-6,
Volume 191, P 136-141;
Memory and Continuity, Catalog of a Selection of Huma Kabakci Collection, Pera Museum
publication, ISBN-978-605-4642-54-0, Volume 172, P. 130-131;
Remo Notarianni. Lifting the veil: photography and video by Kazakhstan`s Almagul Menlibayeva –
artist profile, Art Radar,
Neil Vazquez. In Fact and Fiction, Almagul Menlibayeva Imagines Kazakhstan`s Repressed
Cultural History Today,

BALAGAN!!! Contemporary Art from the Former Soviet Union and Other Mythical Places,
catalogue. Berlin: MOMENTUM Berlin, 2015. P. 140–141.
German Cool, catalogue. Dubai: Salsali Private Museum, 2015.
Bavilskiy D. Ya kazhdiy den’ snimayu videohroniku preobrazheniya etogo konkretnogo
mesta [I Am Documenting the Changes Occuring inThis Particular Location]// The Art
Newspaper Russia, 28 September, 2015
​Babkin S. Moe iskusstvo eto svoego roda psihoterapiya dlya samoubits [My Art is
a Psychotherapy of Sorts for Suicides] // Look at me, 26 October 2015
How to gather? Acting in the Center in a city in the heart of the Island of
Eurasia, catalog 6 Moskow Bieannale, Volume 382, Institute of
Contemporary Art, Moscow, ISB 978-5-9906243-8-2, printed Parento Print;
Basak Senova. Performative Traces: The Union of Fire and Water
Almagul Menlibayeva in conversation with Basak Senova, IBRAAZ,
Smadar Shefi. The Window.
Roxane Zand. The Venice Baku Relationship as Told by Two Artist, Sotheby`s
Berlin Art Link. Exhibition // Top 6 at the Venice Biennale
The Union Fire and Water, Kasia Redzisz in Convrestation with Almagul
Menlibayeva, catalog 56 Venice Bienniale, Volume 411, 195-273, Editor
Suad Garaeva, Yarat Contemporary Art Space, ISBN: 978-9952-8275-2-1, Europrint Italy;
Sand O. Almagul Menlibayeva// Asian Art Newspaper, April 2015
Olivia Sand. Contemporary Art in the Caucasus Blossoms, Newspaper for collectors, galleries and museum, Tuesday,
March 24, 2015 - 16:45
Olivia Sand. Asian Art New Paper, Almagul Menlibayeva
Olivia Sand.Life is a Legend: Contemporary Art from Kazakhstan, Friday, January 16, 2015

SusanneAltmann.Update/ Post Memory, International Video Art with and Eastert Perspective, catalog,
Volume 43, 2014, 5-6, 26-29,

 LÒfficiel Art,  N10 June- July 2014, 108-117, 158-159; 
The Bund, Life Syle Magazine, Future,
May 2014, 42-43; 
At the Crossroad 2: Contemporary Art from Istanbul to Kabul, Volume 136, 100-101
Mirijam Westen.Almagul Menlibayeva: Women always bring problems to religion, n.paradoxa,
International feminist art journal, religion, Volume 33, 2014, 67-72;
Auction, Nowruz commission`s second annual gala institute of directors 6 March, 2014

The Collection as a Character / the Character of a Collection, M HKA a collection book;
Suad Garaeva, At the Crossroads, Contemporary Art from
Caucasus & Central Asia, catalog, Volume 137, 120-123,
Veerle WindelsLe Flair D`Alma, Gentleman Belgium magazine, N1, 2013,148-150;

all our relations, 18 Biennale of Sydney, catalog, 
Volume 400, 210-211; 

Misiano, Viktor.Almagul Menlibayeva: The Female as Excess, Afterall a Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry,
Autumn/Winter 2012,116-127;
Sorokina, Yuliya. Almagul Menlibayeva: Wonderings and Incarnations, Afterall a Journal of Art,
Context and Enquiry, 
Autumn/Winter 2012, 128-138;
, Charles. East is West: Three Women Artist, exhibition catalog, LASALL
College of Arts–ICA Singapore, Singapore;

Rewriting worlds, 4th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, exhibition catalog, 4th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, 128-129;
Elliot, David.
Between Heaven & Earth, Contemporary Art from the Centre of Asia, exhibition catalog, 9-14 + cover, Calvert 22, London, UK;

European Photography Magazine. Almagul Menlibayeva, Spring / Summer 2011,42-45;
Boemio, Camilla. A memory of the Centaur: Interview with Almagul Menlibayeva. LANDSCAPE Stories.;
Musetto, V.A. KAZAKH TO THE FUTURE.  New York Post. May 13, 2011;
Baker, R.C. Almagul Menlibayeva at Priska C. Juschka Fine Art. The Village Voice. May 11, 2011;
VIDEONALE.13 Festival for Contemporary Art, exhibition 
catalog, 2011;
Alimala and Salazar, Monica. Cultural Nomad: An Interview with Almagul Menlibayeva. BerlinArtLink. March 2011;
Merewether, Charles. Almagul Menlibayeva. Transoxiana Dreams, exhibition catalog, 2011, 5-7;
Cotter, Susanne. Plot for a Biennial, Sharjah Biennial 10, exhibition catalog, Sharjah Biennial, Sharjah, 2011, 469-474;
Waxman, Lori.Art that beats for a cause. The Chicago Tribune. February 4, 2011;

Pollack, Barbara. “Removing the Veil.” ARTnews. December 2010;
21st Century: Art in the First Decade. Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, exhibition catalog, 26-27, 178-179;
Ibraeva, Valeria. “Post-Soviet Dynamics.” International Gallerie: A Journey of Ideas: Central Asia: Remapping the Silk Road. Vol 13. No 1. 11-13. 2010;
Kunstfilmtag 10, catalog;
Langenbach, Tasja. VIDEONALE.13 Festival for Contemporary Art, exhibition catalog, 2011, Kerber Verlag, Germany, 82-84;
Hussfeld, Birgit. “Kyrgyzstan 2010.” Nafas Art Magazine. 2010;
Kyrgyzstan 2010, catalog;
Tikhonova, Yulia. “Almagul Menlibayeva: Daughters of Turan.” ArtAsiaPacific, September –October 2010;
Chiu, Melissa and Benjamin Genocchio, Contemporary Asian Art, Thames & Hudson Ltd, London, 2010, 69-71;
Registro y Conciencia. Interview with Almagul Menlibayeva. Dario SANFIC6 Santiago Festival Internacional de Cine. August 19, 2010;
SANFIC6: Santiago International Film Festival, catalog, 2010, 134-137;
Brown, Amelia. “Communicating Translation: Tarjama/Translation at the Johnson Museum.” The Cornell Daily Sun. August 31, 2010;
Tikhonova, Yulia.Almagul Menlibayeva at Priska C. Juschka Fine Arts (Exhib. Review). ARTMargins Central & Eastern European Visual Culture August 9, 2010;
Tully, Judd. A Spunky Volta Complements Art Basel's Revved-Up Market - ARTINFO, June 21, 2010;
I'm Not There, A Sourcebook for the 8th Gwangju Biennale. Gwangju Biennale Foundation, exhibition catalog, 294-97, 2010;

Fee, Brian.  Visceral Filmmaking: The Video Art of Nina Yuen and Almagul Menlibayeva. NY Art Beat, April 25, 2010;
Jover, Carlos. The Stalking of the Past Inherited: Claim of video-art as the basic tool in the new century. El Mundo/El Dia De
Beleares, November 16, 2009;

Mendelsohn, Meredith. “East London Looks East,” Modern Painters, Oct. 2009, 29;

Gormley, Antony. “Almagul Menlibayeva,” Interview
, Unconditional Love, exhibition catalog, Buro 17, Moscow, 2009, 72-77;

Ahmady, Leeza. “Translation as Significance,” Tarjama/Translation, exhibition
catalog, 2009;
Dahl, Miriam Stackpole. “
Broderi mot vold [Embroderie Against Violence].” NY TID, June 19, Heilmann, Hakon Rysst. “Vil apneoynene for kvinnevold [Will Open the Eyes of Kvinnevold].”, June 18, 2009;
Lamberto, S. “Turin: 
Inagurazione of the East Extension of Nothing.” Agenfax, April 16, 2009;

“The Center of Art Two of May welcomes from Saturday a “Weekend of artistic events” with projections and factories,” Europa Press Madrid, April 16, 2009;
Rubriken “Exhibition: Symbolism in the Steppe.” 2009;
Davydova, Katherina. “Asian Sur.” Max Magazine, April 2009;
Sharp, Jane A. "A Kiss to
Matisse: Strategies for Histories of Modernism in Central Asia. Crossing
Jaynie Anderson. Cultures: Conflict, Migration,
andConvergence: the Proceedings of the 32nd International
Congress of the History of Art.
Carlton, Vic.
:Miegunyah, Melbourne University, 2009. 905-09. Print;

Artyk, Narira. “Civil Society: Central Asian Art Entering the Mainstream Market.”, December 12, 2008; 
Merewether, Charles. Unquiet Histories of the Present: An Anxious Freedom. Given Difference, exhibition
catalog, November 2008, 6-9.;
Gennochio, Benjamin. "Formal Concerns with a Dollop of Kitsch," New York Times, Nov. 7, 2008;
Genocchio, Benjamin. "In Peekskill, 2 Shows of Raw Works," New York Times, Sept. 28, 2008;
Fanti, Laura. “Almagul Menlibayeva.”
Espoarte, September 2008;
Raza, Sara. “
Museumstan: Central Asia’s Contemporary Art Revolution.” Art Asia Pacific, March/April 2008, 91–92;
Genocchio, Benjamin. "Surprising Sophistication," New York Times, March 23, 2008;
Schuster, Robert. “Two New Shows from Over Seas: For Better or Perverse,” The Village Voice, March 18, 2008;

Ahmady, Leeza. “On the Official and the Unofficial: The 52nd Venice Biennale.” M Magazine, February 2007.;
Brask, J.P. “Almagul Menlibayeva; On the Road.” Brask Art Blog, March 8, 2007;
Rush, Michael. Video Art, London: Thames and Hudson, 2007, 213-215;
Vanhala, Jari-Pekka. “
Steppen Baroque as a Spiritual Renaissance,” Universes in Universe, Oct. 2007;

Misiano Viktor and Jari-Pekka Vanhala, eds. Tarinankertojien Aika - Time of the Storytellers -
Narrative and
Distant Gaze in Post-Soviet Art. Helsinki: Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, 2007;

Thornton, Henry. "Zones of Contact." Henry Thornton Blog, August 6, 2006; Sorokina, Julia. “Art from Central Asia.” Center for Contemporary Art, Warsaw: Ujazdowski Castle, 2006; Milano-Ginevra, Skira. ”The Syndrome of Tamerlan.” Milwaukee: Sarenco Haggerty Museum, 2006;

McEvilley, Thomas. Video Comes to the Stans... Art in America, December 2005;
Januszcak, Waldemar.Art: The Grooviest Show on Earth, The Sunday Times, June 19, 2005; Moulton, Aaron.

Tamerlane Syndrome: Art and Conflicts in Central Asia. Flash Art, no. 245, November/December 2005;
Sorokina, Julia.From the Red Star to the Blue Dome.Berlin, 2005;

The Syndrome of Tamerlan. Mascellani Palazzo dei Sette ,Orvieto, Orvieto, 2005, Milano-Ginevra, Skira.